604-619-9992 [email protected]

Helping Women Heal

Physical, verbal, or sexual abuse at any time, at any age, or in any relationship is not ok. Yet millions of women around the world still isolate, self-blame and suffer in silence at the hands of others.

As a woman, do you know where you can go for help if you are facing a crisis? Do you feel like you don’t want anyone to know what is happening to you? Perhaps you are afraid of repercussions if you take action. You are not alone, and we have resources to support you here at Metro Counselling.

You are not alone – and it is not your fault!

Did you know that according to the Canadian Women’s Foundation:

  • Every six days. That’s how often a woman is killed by her intimate partner.
  • 14 percent. That’s the number of grade 10 girls who say they are self-confident.

Published in March of 2020

It is so unfortunate that so many women still think it is somehow their fault someone abuses them, or that they can’t improve their situation without harming their children in the process, that they feel stuck.

There is help and you can live free. It is not your fault, and you are not alone, we are here to help you!

Abuse is not your fault as a woman who is suffering under abuse, too often we see women blame this negative treatment on themself as if they created or deserved it. Not only is this not true at all, it further affects your mental health by increasing the loss of self-worth.

Even our Government recognizes the need to support women’s rights:

Women’s rights are human rights. Equality rights are of particular importance, given the unequal treatment women have experienced in Canada. Several legal instruments exist in Canada to protect equality for women. … The Canadian Human Rights Act of 1977 states that all Canadians have the right to equality, equal opportunity, fair treatment, and an environment free of discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, marital status and family status.

You deserve to be safe and to be happy. To get started on your own personal healing journey, you can confidentially contact Kristina to learn more about how she can help you as a registered clinical counsellor.

Want to know about Kristina’s 10-week support program or one-on-one sessions?

Please call, email, or use this form to request information or an appointment.

Metro Counselling – Surrey
10318 Whalley Blvd, Unit 3
Surrey, BC V3T 4H4

Metro Counselling – Vancouver
1055 West Hastings
Vancouver, BC

Metro Counselling – Burnaby
2nd Floor, 5050 Kingsway
Burnaby, BC, V5H 4H2

Phone: 778-800-0188
Fax: 778-653-7878
Email: [email protected]

10 + 11 =

“I am incredibly grateful for the unconditional support I received through attending the ‘When Love Hurts’ support group in Surrey with Kristina. She facilitated a confidential, respectful, non-judgemental, informative support group – I highly recommend this group.

Prior to attending, I was anxious and apprehensive. I did not know what to expect. I felt emotionally & physically depleted and ‘beat down’ – essentially, a wreck.

The group allowed me to share my story confidentially (as I was able). I genuinely felt safe and supported.

No two stories were alike, however many had similar themes. I witnessed, through listening, that everyone had their own unique experience.

I was not judged, I was supported. I returned to my partner – again, not judged. I finally left when I was strong enough to do so.

‘Leaving’ was not the goal of the group. The purpose of the group was to enable me to decide what was ‘right’ for me – whatever that looked like. For this reason, I felt respected & honoured.

I was in a relationship where I had been emotionally, psychologically, financially, sexually and physically abused. I am happy to say, I am no longer there!

Participating in the ‘When Love Hurts’ support group, most definitely saved my life – I have no doubt”.