604-619-9992 [email protected]

Grief Therapy

Grief and loss are miserable and distressing components of life. It can cause a significant loss to an individual and can bring with it a range of emotions from deep sadness to anger. There are some major events in life that are more distressing – the unfortunate death of a pet or family member, or maybe divorce. Or somewhat you may felt your loss is unavoidable. To deal with these events, grief therapy is what exactly might be beneficial for you. The idea of grief therapy is to allow the person to deal with negative emotions and help them to move forward in a more adaptive way. Grief therapy is more beneficial for those people who are experiencing complicated losses which is prolonged.

If you have recently lost someone close or experience sudden death, we provide good grief therapy that can help the client to deal with the grief and depression of losing. Feel free to talk to our trained grief therapists from the comfort of your home.